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로버트 슐러 목사 -

Come to the edge, He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew. - pastor Robert Schuller 
You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. ... First you jump off the cliff and you build wings on the way down. 

하나님은 우리를 온실속의 화초처럼 키우시지 않아요.
가만히 안주하는걸 원하시는게 아니랍니다.
계속 도전하라고 하시죠.
신명기 32 10-11.
아빠 독수리 하나님은 우리 둥지를 어지럽히며 고난을 주기도 하시지만
결국 그 날개로 우리를 받아주시는거죠 :)

God does not want us to live a complacent life. He wants us to continue to challenge ourselves to become even better and thus allows us to go through hardships sometimes. 
He doesn't want us to be weak but strong and courageous in our lives. It's just like the father eagle who pushes their young ones out of the nest so that they can fly.

Posted by simon.kim