'일일팔장학금챌린지'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2019.07.28 러브액츄얼리 1일차

#코어무비, #일일장학금챌린지


코어무비 오늘부터 시작이다.

이 영화를 처음 본지가 언제인지 기억이 나지 않을 정도로 오래 됐지만, 아일랜드에서 영국에서 크리스마스를 보낼때 친구들과 함께 본 기억도 있고, 개인적으로도 여러본 봤고, 또 인트로 공항 장면이 인상적이어서 한때는 이 부분을 외운 적도 있었다. 돈을 내고 영어 공부를 한다기 보다는 내가 좋아하는 영화를 강사들이 어떤 식으로 풀어내는지 상당히 궁금하다. 영화의 영어적인 면모를 다시한번 소화해 볼 겸 거금을 들여 강좌를 구매했다. 오늘 부터 매일 강좌를 보면서 끝까지 한번 마스터 해보도록 해야지. 



샤이니와 원어민처럼 listen & speak 001, 002 강


1+2 강은 인트로다. 샤이니 선생님은 코믹하게 진행하시는것 같아 지루하기가 않은것 같다.

나도 영상을 직접 찍어서 올려봤다. 


Love actually intro 


예일리와 예문으로 배우는 단어와 문법 001강


General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. 


make out (that) S + V: that 이하가 맞는 것처럼 보이게 하다 = pretend


The media made out that the situation was very bad. 

She always tries to make out that I am wrong and she is right. 


Seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there. 


Seems to me ~ 라고 생각한다

newsworthy: 대단한

be there 존재하다

You know, I'll always be there for you. 


everywhere/there 부사

Let's go a coffee shop (X)

Let's go to a coffee shop. (O)

Let's go somewhere quiet. 

Love is everywhere. 

Come here. 

I was there. 


If you look for it I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around. 


a sneaky feeling 왠지 모르게 드는 느낌

find 깨닫다


look for something ~ 을 찾아보다 (과정)

find something ~을 찾아내다 (결과)


I am looking for Hailey. 

I found her. 


마이클&다니엘이 알려주는 살아있는 영어표현 01, 02 강


두분이서 진행하고, 마이크 선생님이 한글도 잘쓰니 흥미롭다. 


Wherever I get depressed, what do I do?

I do a lot of cardio. 


Whenever I get stressed out, I do some intense cardio. 


I am under a lot of stress at work. 

I am under so much stress at work lately. 

I am really stressed out. 


Work is so stressful.

My corporate life is so stressful. 


get stress (x)

receive stress (x)


gloomy 꾸물꾸물한 날씨, 흐린 날씨


I'm feeling a little gloomy today. 

The weather is a little gloomy for a picnic. 


getting some fresh air: 소풍

picnic: 음식이 꼭 있는 소풍


Whenever I start to get depressed,

Whenever I'm feeling down,

Whenever I'm feeling down in the dumps, 


dumps: 매립지


Seems to be that ~ 제가 봤을 때는, 제가 보기로는


Seems to me that this isn't the right job for you. 

Seems to me that this might not be the right job for you. 

Seems to me that our company isn't a good fit for you. 당신에게 어울리지 않는것 같아요. 

Seems to me that this discussion is over. 더이상 말할 가치가 없다. 


General opinion is: 대부분의 사람들은 이렇게 생각한다

Most people think 

Public opinion is

The consensus is

The conventional wisdom is 


I don't see that. 그렇게 안 보여요. 

I don't see it that way. 


dignified 세련된, 고급스러운

That's not a dignified appearance. 

He speaks in a way that is not dignified. 상대방이 말을 거칠게 할때, 쓸 수 있는 표현. 

You need to speak in a more dignified manner. 



I don't want to be compared to Hu grhugh grant. 



back in my heyday: 내가 가장 잘 나갔었을 때

Back in my heyday, I used to make a lot of money. 

Back in my heyday, I used to be able to slam dunk. 

Back in my heyday, I would do ten slam dunks a game. 

Back in my heyday, I was so famous. People used to stop me and ask for autographs. 


As far as I know: 제가 아는 한 


When is John quitting? As far as I know, today is his last day. 

As far as I am concerned 

I am concerned about you. 걱정되는 

People to whom it may concern 관련된

As far as I am concerned, he is dead to me / our relationship is over. 완전 상관 없는 사람이다. 


None of the Koreans I know care very much about American football. 

None of the Americans I know who live in Korea can speak Korean. 


Football: (영국식) 축구

Footballer: 축구선수


Baby on board


I film this on board a train. 


On-board entertainment 

In-flight entertainment 


Love letter vs. Letters of love (사회적인 사랑이나 더 나은 사회를 위한 편지)


I was so drunken. (x)

You were so drunken last night (x)


You were so drunk. (O)

You were so drunk last night (O)


Drunken man (O)


I kept all these love letters from my first girlfriend. (사랑을 다루는) 연애편지


Sneaky feeling 살짝 드는 기분


sneak 살짝 살금살금 들어오다

I snuck in last night. 


sneaky 속셈있는, 사기치는


sneakers 스니커즈 신발


I have a sneaky feeling that she's into you. 



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Posted by simon.kim